Tosefeth Rishonim – Vol. I

Saul Lieberman

Part I-II: Seder Zeraim, Moed, Nashim, Nezikin, Kodashim.

Professor Saul Lieberman, the greatest talmudist of our era, spent his life in pursuit of clear understandings of the best attainable texts of rabbinic literature. Tosefeth Rishonim, first published in Jerusalem in 1937-39, was a precursor to his magnum opus, Tosefta ki-Fshutah, and laid much of the ground work for those later volumes. In Tosefeth Rishonim, Saul Lieberman collects and comments upon the references to Tosefta in the writings of the Rishonim, both to establish the most accurate reading of the Tosefta text, and to evaluate their contribution to the understanding of the Tosefta. Now available again for the first time in decades, Tosefeth Rishonim is indispensable for all students of rabbinic literature; it has never been replicated and will never be outdated.

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