Ask the Rabbi: Women Rabbis Respond to Modern Halakhic Questions / R. Monique Susskind-Goldberg ז”ל and R. Diana Villa
edited by R. David Golinkin and R. Israel Warman
The Center for Women in Jewish Law and The Rabbi Israel Levinthal Center for the Study of Contemporary Responsa at the Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies
272 pp., Jerusalem 2010
A collection of Responsa, the first volume written by two women rabbis. The approximately 90 responsa selected from almost 600 written to Jews and non-Jews from all over the world on the “Ask the Rabbi” website of the Schechter Institute between 2002-2010. The responsa deal with a wide range of topics about the Bible, conversion, ethical dilemmas, intermarriage, kashrut, life cycle, Shabbat and festivals, theology and women.
רחוב בלפור 6, ירושלים