with Variants from Codices Erfurt, London, Genizah Mss. and Editio Princeps (Venice 1521) together with References to Parallel Passages in Talmudic Literature and a Brief Commentary
by Saul Lieberman.
The Order of Mo’ed, Tractates: Shabbath, ‘Erubin, Pisḥa (Pesaḥim), Shekalim, Kippurim(Yoma), Sukka, Yom Tob (Betza), Rosh Hashana, Ta’aniyoth (Ta’anith), Megilla, Mo’ed (Mo’ed Katan), Ḥagiga, [8],394 pp.
Third Printing. The Jewish Theological Seminary of America, New York and Jerusalem 2002
רחוב בלפור 6, ירושלים