The Tosefta and Tosefta Ki-Fshutah, Order Mo’ed, 4 Vols.

Saul Lieberman


1] The Tosefta (Text volume) according to Codex Vienna, with variants from Codices Erfurt, London, Genizah Mss. and Editio Princeps (Venice 1521) together with references to parallel passages in Talmudic literature and a brief commentary. Includes tractates: Shabbath, ‘Erubin, Pesahim, Shekalim, Kippurim, Sukka, Betza, Rosh Ha-Shana, Ta’anith, Megilla, Mo’ed Katan, Hagiga. 394 pp. Hard cover. [2] Tosefta Ki-Fshutah (First Commentary volume of the Set) A comprehensive commentary on the Tosefta, part III: order Mo’ed, tractates Shabbath, ‘Erubin. pp. 1 – 470. Hard cover. [3] Tosefta Ki-Fshutah (Second Commentary volume of the Set) A comprehensive commentary on the Tosefta, part IV: order Mo’ed, tractates Pesahim – Sukka. pp. 471 – 910. Hard cover. [4] Tosefta Ki-Fshutah (Third Commentary volume of the Set) A comprehensive commentary on the Tosefta, part V: order Mo’ed, tractates Betza – Hagiga. pp. 911 – 1341. Hard cover or Electronic Edition.


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