Seride Teshuvot of the Ottoman Empire Sages from the Cairo Genizah in the E. N. Adler Collection of the JTS Library, Vols.1-2

Shmuel Glick


Responsa Fragments of the Ottoman Empire Sages from the Cairo Genizah in the Elkan Nathan Adler Collection of the Library of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America.

by Shmuel Glick

with Yaakov Schwartz, Avraham Levin, Ariel Grossman

Vols. 1-2

Vol. 1 – 500 pp.

ISBN: 978-965-456-066-5

Vol. 2 – 272 pp.

ISBN: 978-965-456-067-2

The Jewish Theological Seminary of America and Bar-Ilan University Press, New-York, Jerusalem, Ramat-Gan  2016

A Full Color Facsimile Edition

This book includes descriptions of fifty fragments of responsa from the Ottoman Empire sages (16th-19th) found in the Elkan Nathan Adler Cairo Genizah Collection at the JTS Library. The responsa reveal new matters, which not been dealt in the past either in halakha, or in Talmudic exegesis. These responsa offer fertile ground for research in all manner of disciplines, from the interpretation of Jewish Law to the wider social, cultural and legal history of the Jewish Communities of the Mediterranean and Near East.


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