30.00NIS – 45.00NIS
Yearbook of the Schocken Institute for Jewish Research of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America.
Volume Two. Edited by E.S. Rosenthal.
383 pp., Hebrew, Jerusalem 1969-1974
Schirman: Samuel Romanelli, a Poet and a Wanderer.
Blau: Parallels and Differences in the Renaissance of Modern Hebrew and Modern Standard Arabic.
Morag: The Tiberian Tradition of Biblical Hebrew – Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Features.
H. Ben-Sasson: Jewish Reflections on Nationhood in the Twelfth Century.
Yaron: Bodily Injuries in Ancient Near Eastern Laws.
J. Katzenstein: Eloulaios (Luli), King of the Sidonians.
L. Seeligmann: From Historic Reality to Historiosophic Conception in the Bible.
E. Loewenstamm: Philo of Byblos.
Munk: A Newly Found Responsum of Maimonides.
S. Rosenthal: The Giv’at ha-Mivtar Inscription.
Lieberman: Notes on the Giv’at ha-Mivtar Inscription.
E. S. Rosenthal: Gleanings of P’raqim I.
רחוב בלפור 6, ירושלים