Ed. by Bernard (Dov) Mandelbaum
Pesikta de-Rav Kahana is a central and classic text of talmudic – midrashic literature, and it is one of Torah readings of all the major festivals. Moreover, it is unique in its presentation of midrashim for the oldest collections of Midrash that is available. The Pesikta provides midrashic interpretation on the special Sabbaths such as those preceding and following Tisha B’Av. Because this collection of midrashim relates to the destruction and redemption of Jerusalem, it can be said that Pesikta is one of the most “Israel focused” midrashic works. Its importance is demonstrated further, in that, second to the Palestinian Talmud, there is more Palestinian Aramaic in the Pesikta than in any other rabbinic text. Before 1832, no manuscript or text of the Pesikta was known. Based on references in the Aruch and Yalkut Shimoni, Yom Tov Lipmann Zunz demonstrated the existence of a Palestinian midrash called the Pesikta de Rav Kahana. Solomon Buber collected four manuscripts that substantiated Zunz’s theory and published his edition of Pesikta, in Lyck 1868. Through research in other manuscripts and Genizah fragments, Dr. Bernard Mandelbaum prepared a complete edition of Pesikta in 1962.
רחוב בלפור 6, ירושלים