12.00NIS – 15.00NIS
Nissim V’niflaot is a chapbook containing four short hagiographic stories in vocalized Yiddish about the wondrous deeds of Reb Avraham Yehoshua Heschel, the Apter Rav (1748/1755-1825). The third narrative in this collection relates the story of Reb Yudel Hasid which, as this monograph shows, Agnon translated into Hebrew and transformed into a nuclear tale for the three versions of Hakhnasat Kalla.
This study presents the original vocalized Yiddish text with parallel passages from the three editions of Hakhnasat Kalla. The publication of the Yiddish tale of Reb Yudel Hasid along with the analysis of Agnon’s retelling of it and his embellishments upon it lead to a fresh critical understanding, assessment and appreciation of Agnon’s creative genius.
רחוב בלפור 6, ירושלים