Emet Ve-Hesed

Einat Ramon (ed.)


Emet ve-Hesed: Truth and Lovingkindness: a Handbook in Traditional and Modern Jewish Sources for Chaplancy by Einat Ramot (ed.)

The first Israeli book for spiritual care givers published in Hebrew which provides different work methods accompanied by inspirational readings from traditional Jewish sources as well as secular Zionist literature. The book is edited by Dr. Einat Ramon, founding director of the “Marpeh” (“Healing”) program which confers CPE (Clinical Pastoral Education) certification with an M.A. degree in Family and Community Studies or Spiritual Education from the Schechter Institute. The book is designed for any individual or family having to cope with medical or emotional issues, the medical community and chaplains in the field.

98 pp., soft cover, in Hebrew

ISBN: 978-965-7105-73-3

Second revised edition

Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies, Jerusalem 2018


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